I want to paint my Jenn Air range black. Is there a high temperature paint that is safe to use on ranges? - jenn air range
Do you want a permanent color really hard. And a bonus that is really superior.
It is the means to achieve these goals.
First get a piece of the 2000 corn wet / dry sandpaper used wet to go paint the whole surface, make sure the brightness is gone.
Then clean the area with turpentine to remove dust and dirt.
Then the entire surface with a compressor and a spray gun and the use of Black Automotive basecoat. No sand this license, as required. Get a good level of existence. You have to give it two coats.
Then the entire surface using a spray gun and compressor automotive polyurethane thinner layer of Clear cut with the specifications of the box and double the amount of hardener to paint a car.
To clean wet sand with 2000 sandpaper and give it a new layer of varnish and hardener.
Final polishing with a little polishing and a surface of hard rock is that almost indStructure and does not cost more than $ 40 on the hand.
I did this and it is the best outcome for the coating of devices that have ever used. And it is so difficult and hard.
You do not have any weapon, is this fantasy implementation of a compressor that takes 35 pounds per square inch, good or no experience .. Just Get It On "a race or two and get the sand in 2000 and the new coat.
Buy a base coat and clear coat and thinner and automotive Napa 2000 Discussion moist grain is more than $ 1. Or any business renowned automotive paint.
I assure you, if it ends in a device that nobody will be able to distinguish between this goal and finishing factory.
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